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Date(s) - 01/16/2022 - 01/22/2022
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Membership is now open to divers with Advanced Open Water Diver certification.

Aquarium Divers For Coral Society (ADFC), along with the Coral Restoration Foundation (CRF) in Key Largo and South Jersey Scuba have developed a joint coral restoration event for January 16 -22, 2022.  It will be for coral restoration certification, coral restoration, reef and wreck diving.  The coral restoration course will be taught by CRF itself and not one of its affiliates. The CRF course dates are Jan. 18 &19. South Jersey Scuba has chartered a boat from Captain Slate Dive Adventures.

Accommodations are not a part of the package. There are resorts/hotels to pick from. You want to be between Key Largo and Tavenier, FL. or a little south of Tavenier  Captain Slate Dive Adventures is in Tavenier, FL. and CRF has nurseries sites near there.

If interested, ADFC has 3 rooms on hold with Amoray Resort in Key Largo. They are holding rooms for ADFC without deposits until 9/24/21.  After that date, they will release the rooms. There are other rooms which are filling up. Amoray would only let ADFC hold three.  Deposits are small but they are nonrefundable.  ADFC is not in the position to make deposits especially nonrefundable deposits for rooms that may or may not get filled.  Amoray Resort – Key Largo Dive Resorts | Official Website | Amoray Resort

Cost for ADFC Members: $650, per person. Add accommodations at Amoray Resort, total $1,246.25, double occupancy, per person.

Non-Member Price: $850 per person. Add accommodations at Amoray Resort – $1,446.25, double occupancy per person. ADFC membership is $55 annually. Join Here!


ï       Course with CRF is a $150 tax-deductible donation to CRF. If you are already coral certified, donate $70.  

ï       Boat charter is $100 a day with tanks and weights for diving 5 days equaling    

     $500 (Nitrox would be an upgrade). 

ï          Amoray Resort in Key Largo Standard room, add $596.25 per person double       

        Occupancy, 2 queen beds for 6 nights with taxes. Equaling the cost of 

       $1,246.25. (Room cost is $1,192.50. if single occupancy). 

  • Also holding a one bedroom with one queen-size bed. Same price $1,192.50 with tax included for 1 person or for 2 people $596.25 each.

To book one of the rooms being held, call Amoray Resort -800-426-6729 say you want to take one of the rooms under Mike Anderson/Aquarium divers for Coral. The dates are above. 


1.     Payment for the CRF course and Boat will be made to South Jersey Scuba $650. If certified $570.

Contact is Kevin Pang  856-267-5320 email: info@southjerseyscuba.com Ask about the Aquarium Diver trip.

2.     Airfare, car rental not included.

3. To join ADFC Join ADFC – Aquarium Divers For Coral Society=

Feel free to also email ADFC at  diverforcoralrestoration@gmail.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/diversforcoral

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